Health is Wealth

Obesity is a complex health condition resulting from various genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Unfortunately, obesity poses a myriad of health risks such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. Scarily, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It is crucial to shed light on this already pressing issue, analyze potential demongraphic implications, and promote healthier lifestyle choices.

Sex is a strong indicator when it comes to obesity. Biological differences between men and women's hormone and body compositions impact an individual's susceptibility to obesity.
Age is another big contributor to obesity levels. As one ages, their metabolic rates derease and body composition changes, resulting in a increase difficulty keeping and/or getting off unwanted weight. Additionally, younger individuals tend to have more active lifestyles: playing sports, running around their neighborhood, etc. With this in mind, it is scary to see some of the upwards trends in child obesity shown in our visualizations below.
Poverty Level
As unfortunately illustrated through the common misnomer for Whole Foods, Whole Paycheck, healthier nutrition options tend to come with a heftier pricetage. For lower income families, this can apply a significant influence on nutritional choices as we demonstrate through our data analysis below.
Nutritional Habits
Nutritional habits are the most impactful factor when it comes to obesity. According to the CDC, healthy eating patterns contribute to longer lives and lower risks of serious health problems such as heart disease and obesity.

Please take a moment to explore our data visualizations on the next page!

We hope you find this website engaging and enlightening. We encourage you to explore healthy lifestyle choices that you would enjoy incorporating into your life.

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